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Who We Are

Who We Are

We are a group of students from Dr. Fretz's Entrepreneurial Creativity class who were tasked with doing something epic. Through our semester-long project, we hoped to produce something that would positively impact our campus now and into the future.


Throughout the first few weeks of class, Dr. Fretz highlighted numerous opportunities on campus that none of us were previously aware of. This, along with our mission to produce something of real value, inspired us to look into all of the sustainability opportunities, groups, and initiatives on campus.


After compiling information about the enormous sustainability space at the U of M, we surveyed students. Through our survey, we learned that an overwhelming majority of students know very minimal information about the sustainability opportunities on campus. As a team, we did not think that this was acceptable.

What We Do

What We Do

Through Live Green UMich, we hope to increase student awareness of the various ways to promote and engage in sustainability on campus. To accomplish this goal, we attempt–through this website, as well as our social media platforms–to present information regarding sustainability groups and initiatives at the U of M to students in a way that is clear, engaging, and likely to increase student involvement. 


We hope students will recognize how easy it is to promote and engage in sustainability across campus, and how valuable even the smallest actions are. Additionally, we hope

that students will find the style of our content to be fun, approachable, and informative.

What You Can Do

What You Can Do

Take advantage of the resources afforded to you at the U of M, reach out to sustainability organizations run by students and administrators with questions, attend sustainability events, assess how your lifestyle supports or neglects sustainability, and do your research. We are here to help with any and all of these processes!

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