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Circle K 


Circle K is an international co-ed service organization that focuses on the three tenets of service, fellowship, and leadership.

Service is the heart of Circle K. There are a variety of service projects each week varying in date, time, length, and focus. We do projects ranging from the elderly and children to the environment and the homeless. As Circle K member, you also have the option of creating your own project. Circle K understands that college life can be very busy, therefore we don't have a service hour requirement for our membership.

We know that when you come to the University of Michigan, it can be overwhelming. Circle K works to actively build lasting friendships and to create a sense of community. Through our weekly socials, meetings, service projects and committee events, we strive to make fellowship an integral part of this club. With more than 200 members in our club, you are sure to develop some great friendships.

We want to develop the leadership skills of each of our members. We provide many opportunities for you to discover your talents and have a chance to put them to use. Circle K members can serve on or become chairs of one of our 14 different committees. Circle K also holds a leadership conference each year called LeadCon to develop your leadership skills, inform you about club positions, and allow you to meet other club leaders.

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